DWT Helping Children Receive Essential Medical Care
When 13-year-old Luis was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia last year, he received some initial treatment in Mexico, but it was insufficient to eradicate the disease, which quickly returned. His parents sent their son, a U.S. citizen, to be cared for at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
DWT Team Prying Open L.A. County Jail Records Regarding Excessive Force
In 2011 and 2012, both the ACLU and the Los Angeles County-created Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence concluded that there was a pervasive, organizational culture of excessive force in the L.A. County jail system.
DWT Helps Veterans Fight for Much-Needed Benefits
Two former members of the military who were refused benefits for their service-related disabilities are facing a potentially brighter future, thanks to work from two DWT attorneys.
DWT Assists D.C.’s Mayor in Complex Case Over Home Rule
While Congress has granted the District of Columbia a fair measure of home rule authority over the years, there’s one power that Congress has jealously guarded for itself: appropriations power over the District’s budget. A challenge to that authority is now before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and DWT has filed an amicus brief in the case in support of the District’s mayor, Vincent Gray.
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