For over two and a half decades, healthcare compliance professionals have gathered at HCCA's Compliance Institute (CI) to share ideas, learn about the latest compliance issues, best practices, and emerging trends, and make key industry connections to drive compliance program and career success.
The 29th Annual Compliance Institute promises to deliver the career-enhancing experience you've come to expect, with the iconic city of Las Vegas as a backdrop. Join us to hear from healthcare industry leaders on a variety of time-sensitive topics from regulatory updates to enforcement trends, professional skills, and more, while engaging with your compliance colleagues in both formal and informal event activities.
CI welcomes attendees at all levels of compliance experience, from beginner to advanced, and provides them with the opportunity to earn live continuing education units (CEUs) while enhancing their skillset. CCB certification exams will be offered on the last day of the conference.
Partner Adam Greene will speak at the following panels:
P24 Privacy Officer Roundtable: Part 1
Monday, April 28, 2025, 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
- Introduce and identify various topics for a collaborative discussion of challenging issues privacy professionals are facing
- Provide audience-driven topics for discussion with colleagues and facilitators
- Sharing practical solutions from experts and peers to the never ending day-to-day privacy struggles
P32 Privacy Officer Roundtable: Part 2
Monday, April 28, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
- Introduce and identify various topics for a collaborative discussion of challenging issues privacy professionals are facing
- Provide audience-driven topics for discussion with colleagues and facilitators
- Sharing practical solutions from experts and peers to the never ending day-to-day privacy struggles
202 New Developments in Health Information Privacy
Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
- Analyze the impact of recent changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to further safeguard privacy of reproductive health care
- Identify changes to the Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records rule at 42 C.F.R. part 2
- Understand the current status of efforts to regulate health care website disclosures of user information