In partnership with the ACLU of Maryland, Lisa Zycherman and Christopher Savage filed a lawsuit against Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, challenging his policy of censoring constituents' speech on his official Facebook page by blocking those who disagree with him and deleting their comments. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of four individuals who had been censored by governor Hogan, sought a permanent injunction against the governor's unconstitutional social media policy as enforced by the governor and his staff.
The cutting-edge case was successfully settled in early 2018, with Governor Hogan revising his social media policy, unblocking the accounts of critics, and making $65,000 in payments to the plaintiffs and attorney fees. A Washington Post editorial said the settlement can serve as a model social media policy for other elected officials.
In a letter to Lisa and Chris, the ACLU of Maryland's executive director thanked them for the "outstanding job" they did on the case. The director said, "Each of you has been terrific to work with—extremely smart and capable, genuinely nice, and committed to providing the same excellent representation on this pro bono matter that you would to any of your firm's paying clients."