NOV. 15, 2023Thaila Sundaresan, a partner in the San Francisco office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, has been recognized by California's Minority Bar Coalition (MBC) with a 2023 Unity Award.

The annual Unity Awards honor leaders from MBC's member organizations who are "exemplary in promoting the cause of diversity in the legal profession and our community."

Sundaresan was recognized for her work on behalf of the South Asian Bar Association of Northern California (SABA-NC). She has served on SABA-NC's board for the last two years and co-chairs the Endorsements Committee, which vets qualified applicants and makes endorsements to the Governor's office of those interested in judicial, prosecutorial, and public defender positions in California.

"Thaila has demonstrated a profound understanding of how diversity, on the bench and beyond, directly enhances the lives of litigants and members of our community," said SABA-NC's president, Dan Vaswani. "Her approach is marked by positivity, compassion, and thoughtful consideration. Her strategic contributions have not only strengthened our organization's position but have also positively influenced the lives of endorsed candidates and the individuals affected by their consequential decisions throughout their careers."

A former Federal Communications Commission appellate lawyer, Sundaresan has built a robust appeals and regulatory practice at Davis Wright Tremaine, focusing on telecommunications and related areas including technology and energy. She is co-chair of the Federal Communications Bar Association's Northern California Chapter.

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Davis Wright Tremaine LLP is an AmLaw 100 law firm with more than 600 lawyers representing clients based throughout the United States and around the world. Learn more at