Oregon PUC outlines ambitious schedule for implementation of Clean Electricity programs
At an April 21 workshop, the Oregon Public Utility Commission presented its timeline for implementing a variety of programs in the wake of the state’s recently passed and far-ranging energy bill, SB 1547 (the “Oregon Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan”). Most widely known for its provisions increasing renewable portfolio standards and phasing out coal-fired resources from large utilities’ electricity supply to Oregon retail consumers, SB 1547 also establishes (or affects) a variety of other state programs and initiatives, ranging from “transportation electrification,” to demand-response, to community sponsored solar projects.
The OPUC’s workshop served as a kick-off to outline the variety of different dockets the OPUC was preparing to open as a result of the legislation, as well as to highlight ongoing dockets on related matters. The OPUC provided a helpful draft graphical timeline, which is linked here (although staff cautioned this timeline is subject to change). As OPUC staff noted, many of these timeframes are driven by statutory deadlines within SB 1547. For example, the first rulemaking, for transportation electrification (requiring non-consumer owned electric utilities to devise programs to stimulate electric vehicle infrastructure and use), is scheduled to start next month in order to meet the legislation’s requirement that such electric companies file compliance program applications by the end of this year.
Two immediate takeaways are reflected in the timeline. The first is simply the breadth of different energy matters that are affected or potentially affected by SB 1547, and how the OPUC sees the new law fitting in with its ongoing dockets. The second is the ambitious timeline for these proceedings. The OPUC is expecting to be very busy in the next few years, adopting rules and implementing new programs that could dramatically change the energy industry in Oregon.
We will provide updates as the anticipated dockets continue to unfold.
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