The FCC announced that FY 2003 regulatory fee payments are due by Sept. 24, 2003. Payments may be made at any time through Sept. 24, 2003, to Mellon bank. Any payments received after 11:59 p.m. on the Sept. 24, 2003, will be subject to a 25 percent late payment penalty. All payments MUST be accompanied by a FCC Registration Number (FRN).
Regulatory fee payments may be make by check, credit card, electronic transfer, or wire transfer and must be accompanied by FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice) and, if necessary, FCC form 159-C (Advice Continuation Sheet).
The FCC has advised filers the quickest and easiest way of paying is by credit card by using the Fee Filer service ( If you have any questions concerning the FCC's regulatory fees (including payment procedures), please contact us.