The legislature has recently authorized a regional program for the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) among a number of Puget Sound jurisdictions, including King, Kitsap, Snohomish and Pierce Counties and the municipalities within them. This legislation (click here for HB 1172 and the final session law) , effective July 26, 2009, amends Chapter 43.362, RCW, and authorizes the State Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development (CTED) to serve as central coordinator for the program at the state level. The bill's goal is to conserve rural agricultural, forest and other resource land by encouraging transfer of density from such rural resource land to urban areas through the marketplace. Local governments can initiate participation in the program by interlocal agreement or by resolution. This regional TDR program encourages participating governments "to provide permitting or environmental review incentives for developers to participate." It may also benefit landowners and developers by permitting inter-jurisdictional sales of development capacity.