The First Amendment Law Letter, published by Davis Wright Tremaine's media group in the communications, media and information technologies department, provides insights into recent First Amendment cases.
Fall 2009 Issue
- Key Ruling in California Misappropriation Case
- MySpace Not Private? California Court of Appeal Says Yes
- Maine Restricts Marketing to Minors
- Yahoo! Decision on Section 230 Modified
Read the Fall 2009 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Winter 2008 Issue
- Federal Court Grand Jury Subpoena to Protect Privacy of Reading Choices
- SLAPP Motions in Federal Court -- Is Immediate Appellate Review Still the Order of the Day?
- California’s "Dead Celebrities" Bill: Or, How the Terminator Has Protected America From the Specter of Unauthorized Marilyn Monroe T-Shirts
Read the Winter 2008 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Winter 2007 Issue
- Supreme Court Sours on Discovery Rule but 9th Circuit Doesn't Flinch
- Idea Theft After Grosso - The Proliferation of Expensive And Burdensome Lawsuits
- The Relevance of Bad Faith to Fair Use Analysis
Read the Winter 2007 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Fall 2007 Issue
- FCC Indecency Saga Continues: The Courts and Congress Take Up Where the FCC Left Off
- The Uncertain Future of Section 230 and Liability For Mixed-Content Websites
- Staying Anchored to DMCA Safe Harbors in Turbulent Times
Read the Fall 2007 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Fall 2006 Issue
- Internet Radio—The Basics of Music Royalty Obligations
- California Supreme Court Expands Reach of State’s Wiretapping Service
- Free Speech has ”Friends” at California
Read the Fall 2006 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Fall 2005 Issue
- California Code of Civil Procedure § 425.17(c): A New Restriction on Anti-SLAPP Motions
- Battle to Maintain Public and Press Access to Divorce Courts
- California Legislature Amends Anti-SLAPP Statute Again
Read the Fall 2005 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Spring 2005 Issue
- Favish Decision Increases Risk for Publication of Death Scene Images
- Court TV Challenges the Constitutionality of New York's Ban on Televising Trials
Read the Spring 2005 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Fall 2004 Issue
- Indecent Proposals: Why Most Recent FCC Indecency Crackdown Risks Crossing Center Line into Oncoming First Amendment Showdown
- Does California Need More Sunshine? A Brief Polemic In Favor Of California's Proposed Constitutional Sunshine Amendment
Read the Fall 2004 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Spring 2004 Issue
- When Do 'Experience and Logic' Matter Under the First Amendment? Federal Government Challenges Traditional Public Disclosure Principles in War on Terror
- HIPAA and Newsgathering: Basic Tips for Reporters and Editors
- Cable Networks and the FCC's Political Broadcasting Rules: Time for Clarification
Read the Spring 2004 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Winter 2003 Issue
- Kid Gloves: Interviewing and Reporting on Minors
- California Supreme Court Affirms Expansive Reading of Anti-SLAPP Statute
Read the Winter 2003 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Winter 2002 Issue
- Media Access to the New Special Tribunals: Lessons Learned from History and the Military
- Notice Requirements Help Journalists Facing Abusive Subpoenas
- Think Twice Before Removing California SLAPP Cases to Federal Court
Read the Winter 2002 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Summer 2002 Issue
- California’s "Creeping Commercial Speech": Kasky Decision Attacks Business Participation in Public Debates
- Navigating The Web of Rules Governing Internet Advertising
- Celebrities Testing Limits of California’s Right of Publicity Laws
- Actual Malice and the Commercial Speech Doctrine
Read the Summer 2002 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Winter 2000 Issue
- Technology Shapes 21st Century Newsgathering: Reflections from the Last Millennium and Its Last Month
- Cybersquatting or Cyberspeech? First Amendment Issues in the New Anticybersquatting Act
Read the Winter 2000 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Summer 2000 Issue
- Anonymity and the First Amendment: New Wrinkles in the Tension Between Anonymity and Accountability
- Busted! What to Do When Journalists Are Arrested on the Job
- ICANN Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
Read the Summer 2000 First Amendment Law Letter (PDF)
Fall 1998 Issue
- It's a Small World After All: Emerging Protections for the U.S. Media Sued in England