"How the Law Has Changed Without Changes in the Law: Bypassing the Legislative Process to Achieve Social Change," Davis Wright Tremaine workshop, Seattle
By Lawton Penn, Mark A. Hutcheson, and Thomas A. Lemly
Without waiting on Congress, Obama administration agency actions have changed the landscape for all employers, large and small, union and non-union. Atendees learned about the new rules and what to expect in the future.
Labor Law: Changes That Impact Both Union and Non-union Employers
Speaker: Mark Hutcheson, partner
- EFCA sinks; NLRB revives its mission
- Salvaging social media policies after AMR
- Pre-emptive terminations: a new unfair labor practice
- The NLRB's selective preemption actions
- Signs of change: new posters, electronic remedial notices, and "bannering"
Employment Law: Does Your Compliance Focus Match the Government's?
Speaker: Lawton Humphrey, partner
- The hottest discrimination claims and agency priorities
- "One-Year and You're Out" leave of absence policies
- "Too Much Information" — breastfeeding, GINA, and undocumented workers
- The latest deficit reduction strategy: independent contractor taxes
OFCCP Gets Tougher on Federal Contractors
Speaker: Tom Lemly, partner
- Two hundred more compliance officers = more audits and investigations
- Broader outreach to increase individual complaints
- Expanded coverage for veterans, disabled, construction
- More full-blown AAP audits, fewer desk audits
- Increased emphasis on compensation discrimination
- Subcontractors at risk — particularly in healthcare