Co-presenter, "Hot Topics in Compliance for Clinical Laboratories," Davis Wright Tremaine Webinar
While there is no question the COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges for businesses and individuals, it was also a time of great opportunity for the clinical laboratories that were able to scale up COVID-19 testing capabilities. However, despite these "boom" times, "bust" times may follow for clinical laboratories that did not then and do not now pay attention to compliance risk areas.
In this session, DWT partner David Gee and DWT associate Caitlin Forsyth discussed the areas where we recommend clinical laboratories focus their compliance efforts. Areas addressed included EKRA implications for compensating sales representatives, enforcement actions involving paying or arranging for specimen processing & handling, payment disputes around medical necessity, direct-to-consumer tests and telehealth risk areas, and FDA oversight of lab-developed tests.
(On-demand versions are not eligible for CLE credit.)