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John R. Tate
Of Counsel
Co-chair, Healthcare Litigation Group
John Tate is a commercial trial lawyer who practices extensively in the healthcare and financial services industries, as well as real estate and insolvency-related litigation. He represents clients on a wide range of claims, including commercial torts, unfair competition, breach of fiduciary duties and creditor’s rights, as well as issues specific to the healthcare and real estate finance industries.
Commercial Litigation
People ex rel. City of Irwindale v. Huy Fong Foods, Inc.
Lead trial counsel for Huy Fong Foods in public nuisance action filed by the City of Irwindale over odor complaints allegedly caused by the manufacturing of sriracha sauce. Successful defense included both legal proceeding and actions before the city council. (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct. 2014)
California Board of Accountancy v. KPMG, etc. et al.*
Served as outside trial counsel for the California Board of Accountancy in an administrative disciplinary action against the accounting firm KPMG, its audit partner, and members of its audit staff for professional errors in their audits of Orange County, Calif., and its investment fund immediately prior to the county's filing for bankruptcy. The administrative trial lasted more than 100 days and resulted in professional disciplinary action against the licenses of KPMG and its audit partner, which was upheld on review. The case represents only the second time that a big five audit firm has been disciplined. (Administrative Hearing, California Department of Consumer Affairs 2000)
Diamond Benefits Life Insurance Co., v. Joint Health Ventures, etc. et al.
Defended two regional hospital systems and their joint venture affiliate in multidistrict litigation against a variety of claims, including federal and state RICO violations, securities fraud, fraudulent conveyance, conversion, and breach of fiduciary duties arising from the sale of a life insurance company that subsequently went into receivership as the result of criminal misconduct by the buyers. Favorable resolution of these claims. 907 P.2d 63 (D. Ariz. 2005)
Morton v. Brown*
Pursued derivative claims for breach of fiduciary duties against the general partner of the master limited partnership that owns and operates Hard Rock Cafe restaurants. The action resulted in the sale of defendant's equity to outside investors. (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct.)
Arizona Conference of Seventh-day Adventists v. Adventist Health System/West, etc. et al.*
Defense of a large healthcare system and its affiliate through trial against claims by a local church organization pertaining to the governance, transfer, and eventual sale of a local hospital and the resulting use of sale proceeds. Settled favorably after seven-day trial. (Maricopa Cnty. (Ariz.) Super. Ct.)
*Denotes an attorney's experience prior to joining Davis Wright Tremaine
Healthcare Litigation
U.S. ex rel. ProTransport-1 LLC v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Obtained early dismissal of False Claims Act and retaliation claims asserted by an ambulance service relator. (N.D. Cal. 2013)
Enki Health and Research Systems, Inc. v. County of Los Angeles, State of California, et al. and 18 related actions
Chief trial counsel representing 18 mental health providers seeking payment of claims in excess of $18 million for mental health services provided to Short-Doyle/Medi-Cal beneficiaries that were not paid due to defects in the claims processing systems of the state and county. (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct. Ongoing)
Bernard v. City of Oakland; Martinez v. City of Union City
Prevailed in defense of the California Public Employees' Retirement System in an action by retired firefighters seeking to alter the premium contribution obligations of contracting public agencies under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (California Government Code sections 22751, et seq.). 202 Cal.App. 4th 1563 (2012)
Erin Brockovich v. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Inc.
Defense of two hospital systems in qui tam actions purporting to enforce Medicare's Secondary Payor provisions (42 U.S.C. § 1395y(b)(3)). Plaintiff sought recovery of all Medicare funds paid to treat alleged but unspecified hospital malpractice injuries. The cases were dismissed while on appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. (C.D. Cal.)
Nick Marlowe v. Med-Cor Health Information Solutions, etc. et al.*
Defense of three hospitals in litigation brought under California Business & Professions Code Section 17200, et seq., against California hospitals and medical-records copying companies for the alleged violation of state statutes regulating the manner and cost of providing medical records to patients and their counsel. (Alameda Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct., S.F. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct.)
*Denotes an attorney's experience prior to joining Davis Wright Tremaine
Real Estate Finance Litigation
Buder v. EMC Mortgage Corp et al.
Defense of lender in action by homeowner over the disbursement of home equity loan proceeds by former loan officer. (Orange Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct.)
IndyMac Bank F.S.B. v. various mortgage brokers/bankers
Defending mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers in more than 40 separate cases involving sub-prime loans filed by IndyMac Bank and the FDIC asserting claims for loan repurchase, loan loss indemnification and professional negligence. These claims have included purported breaches of various representations and warranties and involved a variety of defenses including the applicability and enforceability of IndyMac's Seller/Lending Guide. (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct., C.D. Cal. Ongoing)
Lippman v. City of Palmdale
Representation of Mello-Roos bondholders seeking to compel distribution of delinquent bond payments. (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct.)
First Franklin Financial Corp. v. various mortgage brokers/bankers
Defending mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers in numerous cases involving sub-prime loans filed by First Franklin asserting claims for loan repurchase, loan loss indemnification and professional negligence. BC358562 and 1-06-cv-069771 (L.A. Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct., Santa Clara Cnty. (Cal.) Super. Ct. Ongoing)
Pre-litigation representation
Pre-litigation representation of various mortgage brokers and mortgage bankers regarding repurchase, indemnification, professional negligence, and related issues arising from the origination of residential loans.
Admitted to Practice
- U.S. Supreme Court, 1983
- California, 1977
- U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of California
- U.S. District Court, Central District of California
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of California
- J.D., Vanderbilt University Law School, 1976
- A.B., Government, Dartmouth College, 1973, cum laude
- Partner, Litigation Department, Arter & Hadden LLP, 1994-2003
- Partner, Head of Litigation Department, McDermott & Trayner, 1987-1994
- Partner, Gendel, Raskoff, Shapiro & Quittner, 1983-1987
2019 Healthcare Regulatory and Compliance Seminar, Davis Wright Tremaine, Los Angeles Read More Presentation
2018 Health Care Regulatory and Compliance Seminar, Davis Wright Tremaine, Los Angeles Read More Presentation
"2016 Health Care Regulatory and Compliance Update," Davis Wright Tremaine, Los Angeles Read More Publications
Quoted in "California Hospital Defeats $500 Million Privacy Suit," The Knowledge Effect, Thomson Reuters Read More External LinkInsights
Stolen Patient Information on Hospital Computer Not Considered “Medical Information” by California Appellate Court Read More Presentation
"2014 Health Care Regulatory and Compliance Update," J.W. Marriott at LA Live, Los Angeles Read More June 2010
Repurchase Workshop, Mortgage Bankers Association, Chicago
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