"What You Must Know Now to Apply for Federal Broadband Grants, Now That the NOFA is Out," Broadband Stimulus Mini-Webinar
By Maria T. Browne, Paul Glist, K.C. Halm, and James M. Smith
On July 1, 2009, the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture jointly issued their Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) containing specific details and requirements for Stimulus Act broadband grant and loan applications, and starting a surprisingly accelerated clock for the filing of the first applications by Aug. 14, 2009.
As promised in the previous webinar, "What You Must Know Now to Apply for Federal Grants," Davis Wright Tremaine presented a fact-intensive follow-up mini-webinar to provide key details and steps on what to do next. This critical, timely and concise mini-webinar was free to Davis Wright Tremaine clients and friends.
Topics covered:
- Grant application deadlines
- How grant applications will be scored
- Definitions for "broadband," "unserved" and "underserved"
Download a PDF of the slides.