Our San Francisco associate Vidhya Prabhakaran has been a longtime supporter of the Justice & Diversity Center, a project of the Bar Association of San Francisco. The center’s mission is to advance fairness and equality by providing pro bono legal services to low-income clients and educational programs that foster diversity in the legal profession. To overcome the belief that donations of $20, $50 or $100 have no impact, Prabhakaran looked for a fun way for individuals to see their donations bundled together–and he enlisted his 8-month-old son to help. He set out to try to raise $2,500 by building a holiday picture tree on his office door (a twist on the old fundraising thermometer). For every $50 raised, a cute picture of his son would be added to the tree—or a picture of the donor’s own loved one (or pet, or celebrity crush). Thanks to over 30 individual donations, the fundraising drive raised well over $10,000 for the center and its programs and produced a wonderful and diverse picture tree on Prabhakaran’s office door. In a bar association blog post about his efforts, Prabhakaran wrote that he hopes his son “will feel passionately about giving back to his community, and that he will understand the important role that he can play in galvanizing others to also give back to their community. So I figured why not start him off now?”