QLaw, the LGBT bar association for the state of Washington, held its annual gala dinner in April, followed by a major CLE the next day. DWT provided high levels of support, in tribute to the extensive participation of our team members in the organization. Under the leadership of Seattle associate Zana Bugaighis, the outgoing president of QLaw, the group partnered with other equality organizations in 2012 for joint fundraisers and community outreach in the successful campaign to approve same-sex marriage in Washington. Alex Liberato, creative services specialist in the firm’s Marketing department, and a QLaw board member, created a deeply moving video about the same-sex marriage victory that screened at the banquet and brought attendees to tears. Molly Klein, firmwide Senior Events Director and a member of QLaw’s events committee, helped organize the highly successful daylong CLE on LGBT legal issues, hosted at DWT’s Seattle offices. Seattle associate Dipa Sudra led one of the CLE sessions, speaking on domestic partner and samesex marriage issues in employee benefits plans.