The growing city of Bellevue, Washington, east of Seattle, is taking on the challenge that many, much larger urban centers are also facing: how to improve support for people experiencing homelessness. A men's shelter operated by our Bellevue client, Congregations for the Homeless (CFH), is the only shelter of its kind for the east side of King County. But due to deficiencies in the building where the shelter's located, it had only been open during the winter months, when need is most acute. This past year, DWT's Jim Greenfield assisted CFH in negotiating with the city for land-use entitlements necessary for the facility to undergo a significant remodel, which have enabled the building to begin serving as a shelter year-round. At the same time, Jim, Warren Koons, Ame Lewis, and Josh Friedmann are helping CFH with the purchase and development of a new, permanent shelter site in another part of the city that is close to transportation and health services. Both of these projects have involved cooperation and funding from business leaders, the county, the city, developers, architects, and more. DWT's Crissa Cugini has also joined the CFH board.