What’s the role of philanthropy in a family business?
Does philanthropy fulfill a need in the family to identify, state and support its values, and perhaps tie those values to the success and longevity of the business? Many family-owned businesses consider their success to be related to a values-centered understanding among multiple generations.
We are pleased to share an excellent article by Paula Goldman published in the Harvard Business Review on “How a New Generation of Business Leaders Views Philanthropy.” She identifies several worthy techniques for business philanthropy that can inform the family-owned business: investing for impact, measuring results, and shaping your business around social good.
You can read Goldman’s article at this link.
Keith Baldwin is a business transactions and securities lawyer with a forty year history of serving clients’ legal needs. Keith focuses his practice on business relationships, including mergers and acquisitions, agreements among owner-entrepreneurs, and best practices for corporate governance. Keith can be reached via email at keithbaldwin@dwt.com or directly at 425.646.6133.