California Public Utilities Commission
Our clients look to us for counsel on a range of CPUC proceedings and related issues, including market entry and exit, certifications and tariffs, policy and rulemakings, enforcement, audit and complaint matters, and interconnection agreements and arbitrations.
Many of our San Francisco attorneys have over 20 years of experience practicing before the CPUC. Our success before these regulatory entities is the direct result of our team’s intimate knowledge of the process and long-standing relationships with regulators. And the efficacy of this firsthand approach is bolstered by the cross-practice group collaboration characteristic of our firm: regulation spans industries, and our attorneys do, too.
Our communications focus
Carriers face an array of nuanced regulatory issues in California, including those related to consumer protection, numbering, pole attachments, rights of ways, and transfers of control, certification, and interconnection. Our telecommunications attorneys specialize on these issues, and provide up-to-date analyses of CPUC developments to our clients, who include competitive local exchange carriers and large wireless carriers.
Our energy focus
Our energy attorneys have participated in virtually every major electric and gas proceeding since the early 1980s and maintain their presence today. Our clients are diverse - competitive energy providers, non-utility generators, large industrial energy consumer’s utilities, municipalities, pipelines, and industry associations and coalitions, among other entities. We provide representation in rate cases, resource planning, and transmission and climate change proceedings. Since the enactment of California’s Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), our firm has taken a leading role in providing counsel on eligibility rules, power purchase agreements, and program compliance.